
Watch this space for upcoming events.

29 Mar – 6 Apr 2021

Make your ‘cuppa’ Count

Why not let your daily coffee make a difference in someone’s life … make your ‘cuppa’ count!


Campaign Ended

 Campaign Ended

May 2021

Bibles for SA

Distribution outreach across South Africa. Join us as we travel through South Africa handing out Bibles and spreading the love of Jesus. Follow us on Facebook. You can donate to the outreach by clicking the donate button below. Each donation helps us to keep giving another and another and another Bible. Together we can spread the love of Jesus to a world so desperately in need of it now. We thank you for your support and prayers.

Distribution Outreach

Follow us as we travel through South Africa on a Spirit-led mission to hand out Bibles


Event 3

No current event.

